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Drips JavaScript SDK

The JavaScript SDK for 💦 drips.network.

Drips is an 💎 Ethereum protocol for creating continuous funding streams (Drips) and splitting funding streams among multiple recipients. With Drips, no 💸 commissions, predatory 👔 middle-men, or 🏦 banks are involved.

Drips is a part of the Radicle ecosystem of projects. See the docs for more details about the Drips protocol and its use.


To add the SDK into your project run:

npm install radicle-dev/drips-js-sdk


To use the SDK import from radicle-drips. For example:

import { NFTDriverClient } from 'radicle-drips';

API Documentation

You can find the API documentation here.

You can also browse the docs locally:

  • Clone the project.
  • Run npm install.
  • Open docs/index.html in your web browser.

Running the Examples Apps

The repository contains two example apps (built with SvelteKit) demonstrating how you can start building on Drips with the SDK. They also serve as "interactive" documentation, covering the major client's operations. These examples are not production-ready applications and do not demonstrate software engineering best practices in building Svelte apps.

To run the NFTDriverClient examples app locally:

  • From the project's root dir run cd nft-driver-examples/
  • Run npm run dev -- --open

You can find a hosted version of the NFTDriverClient examples app here.

To run the AddressDriverClient examples app locally:

  • From the project's root dir run cd address-driver-examples/
  • Run npm run dev -- --open

You can find a hosted version of the AddressDriverClient examples app here.

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